Author: Pascal Lottaz

Pascal is an Associate Professor at Kyoto University where he researches Neutrality in International Relations.
A Simple and Proven Recipe for European Conflicts: Permanent Neutrality

A Simple and Proven Recipe for European Conflicts: Permanent Neutrality

December 20, 2021Photo by Christian Lue on Unsplash On December 17 the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs presented proposals to the United States and NATO for the demilitarization of Eastern Europe, proposing security guarantees, and a halt to NATO expansion. It is high time to address the resolution of conflicts in Ukraine and Georgia, as well as the underlying hostilities…

Early Austrian Neutrality

Early Austrian Neutrality

From the Hungarian Crisis to the Rapacki Plan and Raab’s Proposal for the Solution of the German Question 1956-1958 Seminar In 1955, the Austrian parliament decided on the country’s “perpetual neutrality” within the framework of a federal constitutional law. It states the following: (1) For the purpose of permanently asserting its independence vis-à-vis the outside…