
Kinship and Conflict: Familial Relations and World War

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Hybrid seminar at U Kyoto

Date: 4 October 17:30: All Welcome
Place: Kyoto University, Law Economics Main Building Seminar Room 10 and on Zoom
To sign up contact Mahon Murphy: [email protected]

Klick here to start the Zoom Webinar

This workshop looks at the interactions of home front and battle front during the war, with three papers, taking on a global perspective of families at war during the early twentieth century. 

Prof Neville Wylie (University of Stirling, UK) 
“Voices Through the Wire: the Role of Next of Kin Communities in shaping the POW Regime”

Dr Jyoti Atwal (Jawaharlal Nehru University, India) 
“War Widows and Pensions in India: Past and Present”

Dr Mahon Murphy (Kyoto University)
“Empire, Family and Conflict: Paul Messi’s First World War”