
Civil Society Group Requests Arrest Warrants For EU Leadership Over Gaza Genocide

Civil Society Group Requests Arrest Warrants For EU Leadership Over Gaza Genocide

Press release by the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI). On May 22, 2024, the Geneva International Peace Research Institute (GIPRI), the Collectif de Juristes pour le Respect des Engagements Internationaux de la France (CJRF) and a group of international concerned citizens, submitted a legal brief to the Prosecutor of the International Criminal Court (ICC)…

In Support of Switzerland’s Neutrality Initiative

In Support of Switzerland’s Neutrality Initiative

A group of engaged citizens in Switzerland has started the process for a political initiative with the goal of writing a definition of the country’s signature foreign policy into its constitution. If the initiative is signed by 100’000 eligible voters by May 2024, this will lead to a mandatory referendum in a few years time….

Call from Left and Green Supporters: Yes to the Neutrality Initiative!

Call from Left and Green Supporters: Yes to the Neutrality Initiative!

Deutsch / Français / Italiano / English Date: January 10, 2024To sign, please enter your information here: https://forms.gle/WEBf7toCUtmof1hc8 The initiative “Preservation of Swiss Neutrality,” launched in 2022, is being denounced in many media outlets and by some members of the Left and Green parties as a right-wing or populist attempt at isolationism. We disagree: as supporters…

Appello dei militanti della Sinistra e dei Verdi: Sì all’iniziativa sulla neutralità

Appello dei militanti della Sinistra e dei Verdi: Sì all’iniziativa sulla neutralità

Deutsch / Français / Italiano / English Data: 10 gennaio 2024Per firmare, inserisci i tuoi dati qui: https://forms.gle/WEBf7toCUtmof1hc8 L’iniziativa “Salvaguardia della neutralità svizzera”, lanciata nel 2022, è stata etichettata dai media e da una parte della Sinistra e dei Verdi come un tentativo della destra populista di isolare il Paese. Noi dissentiamo da questa interpretazione: in…

Appel de militants de la Gauche et des Verts: Oui à l’initiative pour la neutralité!

Appel de militants de la Gauche et des Verts: Oui à l’initiative pour la neutralité!

Deutsch / Français / Italiano / English Date: 10 Janvier 2024Pour signer, veuillez vous inscrire ici: https://forms.gle/WEBf7toCUtmof1hc8 Lancée en 2022, l’initiative populaire «Sauvegarder la neutralité suisse» a été perçue par de nombreux médias et une partie de la gauche et des Verts comme une tentative populiste d’isoler le pays. Militants de gauche et écologistes, nous nous opposons…

Aufruf von Linken und Grünen: Ja zur Neutralitätsinitiative!

Aufruf von Linken und Grünen: Ja zur Neutralitätsinitiative!

Deutsch / Français / Italiano / English Datum: 10. Januar, 2024Zur Mitzeichnung tragen Sie sich bitte hier ein: https://forms.gle/WEBf7toCUtmof1hc8 Die 2022 lancierte Initiative «Wahrung der schweizerischen Neutralität» wird in vielen Medien und von einem Teil der Linken und Grünen als ein rechtspopulistischer Versuch zum Isolationismus gebrandmarkt. Wir widersprechen: Als Linke und Grüne begrüssen und unterstützen wir…

“Cooperation” before “Neutrality”: Switzerland’s New Security Doctrine

“Cooperation” before “Neutrality”: Switzerland’s New Security Doctrine

Although Switzerland’s Federal Council rejected its Foreign Minister’s idea for “cooperative neutrality”, the new security doctrine it recently approved reverses parts of the alpine nation’s traditional neutrality concept. Preparations for collective defense with NATO and EU-states are underway.